Saturday, June 18, 2011

Wedding Bells

Every Saturday night, I wait until PostSecret posts the secrets of the week. PostSecret is a website where readers send in anonymous post cards, revealing a secret they want to share with the world. The website displays the secrets online for everyone to read. I haven't missed a single posting all year so far. I wish I could remember to do some things as easily as I remember to read my PostSecrets for the week.

There are always posts about love or marriage, simply because, as humans, we are drawn to falling in love. This week, I read one that breaks my heart. It read:

I will never be the type of girl that a guy looks at and thinks "I'm gonna marry her one day."

How sad is it that someone in this world thinks they will never be good enough to get married one day? Marriage is supposed to be such a beautiful thing, something that every girl dreams of by the time she is ten years old.

It's great when I hear about guys who are just as excited to get married as girls are. Not that it is rare, just less common for a guy to be excited about marriage than a girl.

Eryn recently got me hooked on Runner Runner, a band that I should have discovered a long time ago. The best thing about this band, besides the awesome music, is the topics they speak of in their music. I can think of three songs that distinctively talk about marrying a girl, instead of just calling her "hot" or "wanting her" or whatever terms are used in typical songs.

For instance, the chorus of I can't wait, by Runner Runner:

'Cause I can't wait for you to be my wife
To live this life together
And I won't let you go
I need you to know
That you are my heart, forever
And on and on and on

What a lovely song. I love that it talks about a lifelong commitment, not just a dating fling. I rarely hear secular songs that speak of marriage in such a serious manner. It just gets me more excited about when that day will come for me, whenever that may be.

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