Going back to work today was wonderful. After not sleeping for the last week, of course I was a little tired, but I didn't have much work to do.
I was instantly greeted by two of my co-workers, who were interested in how I was feeling and what exactly had happened. That wasn't the first time I was asked that during the day, but I didn't and don't mind talking about it. I was just extremely unlucky, which is more than I could ever say in the past.
I noticed two types of actions by others that made today different than others. First off, I had two people check up on me almost every hour, to make sure I wasn't too tired. If I had been, either of them would have instantly sent me home, I am certain of that.
The second thing I noticed was everyone addressed me by name. Not just inserting my name when they spoke to me, but also softening his or her voice when speaking to me, almost as if I am fragile. It gave me a sense of warmth that everything is going to be okay and they are here for me.
I went to the doctor after work, to follow up with my hospital stay. My doctor, Dr. Mirsky, is one the of the kindest people I have ever met. We always talk on a personal level when I go in there, but today was also more personal. After talking for awhile, she told me she was surprised how well I am handling this. She said I appear to be in control and I am not worried about tomorrow, which is absolutely true. I don't have to be when I have God watching over me.
Just before I left her office, she held my hands and told me how strong I am. She had tears in her eyes when she told me she knew everything was going to be alright. That was the most comforting feeling I have felt in awhile. She also told me that I am VERY lucky to be alive right now. Pulmonary Embolisms usually block the artery within hours of starting, while I waited 20 hours before going to the ER, after first feeling pain. Again, another job well done by God.
When I got home, I got an envelope from the hospital in the mail. When I opened it up, I saw four of my co-workers had written personal letters to me, wishing me well. Two of them, Andrea and Dory, were the ones who checked up on me constantly today. Another one was Tiffany, a girl that just started working with me a week before my stay. And the last one, the one that brought tears to my eyes, was from Ryan, the one I confide in everyday. He even put our favorite bible verse at the end, Philippians 4:13.
Ryan and I have an interesting relationship. He is a managing financial advisor who oversees a team of other financial advisors, as well as maintaining his own clients. We started working together in November, and have been close ever since. I typically do projects for him on a day-to-day basis, doing pretty much whatever he asks me. However, not a single thing I do for him goes unnoticed. He calls me his "rockstar" which keeps me going.
Every day since my hospital visit, I realize more and more how blessed I am to have the wonderful people in my life.
I'm glad you're okay. I know I linger in silence, but i'm still here. I'm sorry I didn't say more when it happened. I'm also glad you aren't letting fear consume you, not that I'm surprised :) "Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -MTHW 6 34