Saturday, January 7, 2012

"I Got You Right Where I Want You"

Matt and I met at Cafe Diem in Ankeny this morning to do a bible study together. Earlier this week, we decided we wanted to start the bible study that we have promised ourselves we would do together.

We found a teen study book, but it had a couple of good studies. The study we chose was about worshiping God together. It spoke about going to church together when things start to get serious, because it is such an intimate thing. It also mentioned that worshiping together can expose one another to our spiritual values and our hearts.

Of course that has been easy for us because we met at church and we have attended it together since meeting last May. After finishing our study, it created the perfect segue into talking about August.

In August, Matt is leaving Des Moines to go to Springfield for college at Baptist Bible College. He took a year off and now wants to go back to finish his education that is preparing him for his calling into children's ministry. Unfortunately, this leaves us 5 hours apart from that point on.
Fortunately, however, we are each going to school in the other's hometown, so visiting home can also mean visiting one another. Things will still be different than they are now, of course. Simple things like going to church together or holding our hands when we pray will no longer be possible. And since I love to plan ahead, I am already preparing how the distance will be hard. 

It is more than just not seeing him. I know I can live without him, but the thing that worries me is missing him. He has become my best friend, my confidant, and some days, the reason I get up in the morning. Right now, we struggle with just a day apart from one another, so when next year rolls around, weeks at a time will be hard.

We are struggling with the idea of what to do. We currently see each other nearly every day because our schedules allow for that. However, it may be better to start going days apart, then maybe weeks apart now, so it isn't such a shock when he leaves. On the other hand, would it be better to take advantage of the opportunity we have now to see each other while he's still around?

Either way, God will take care of us. He always seems to do that. And though it may be a struggle, we will make it out alive. 

"[we] can do all things through Christ who strengthens [us.]" - Phil 4:13

I feel like this verse will become my best friend over the next year.

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