Saturday, October 8, 2011


It must be some sort of alternate universe. I am almost ashamed to admit this, but I feel as though I should get it off my chest. I was working on a PC today and suddenly had the urge to jump on a Mac computer, thinking it would perform my task easier. What kind of thought is that?! More importantly, what kind of garbage is Matt enforcing into my mind?

On an unrelated sidenote, after I finished babysitting tonight, I talked to Janelle, the girls' mother, for almost an hour. I found out her mom just retired from a 40 year career in Psychotherapy. She talked about how she thinks it was great growing up in therapy because she thinks she knows herself better.

Oddly enough, this was before she knew anything about my future plans. So I nonchalantly brought up that I want to go into that field. She then told me she wants to talk to her mom tomorrow night and see if her mom would like to talk to me. Also, she said she could probably get me any internship I'd be able to get without a degree. Wow, that's awesome.

Of course this is all just up in the air at this point, but it makes me excited for a possibility in the future. Who knows, maybe I could snag an internship over winter break, or at least a job shadow, to help me see what I am getting myself into.

I overheard a girl in one of my psych classes talk today about applying to grad schools. She has 13 on her list and is unsure about meeting qualifications for most of them. What?! This scares me. She has a 3.25 gpa and says that's her killer, though she has 3 majors. This scares me even more.

I am now super nervous about doing well in the rest of my classes. I know it's possible, but there's also the possibility I'll never have another 4.0 semester. That genuinely scares me. I just gotta stop freaking out about "what ifs" and continue to focus on what I'm doing now. If God wants me in this field, He'll make it happen. I just have to work as hard as I can to get there.

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