Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Wonderful World of Reading

I tell everyone I don't like reading. It's because, in my mind, I don't enjoy the act of sitting around and staring at bound sheets of paper with words printed across them. That is, until I stumble upon a book I thoroughly enjoy.

For instance, the Harry Potter series does not sound enticing. In fact, if I hadn't read the first one through peer pressure, I probably would not have even started reading the series. But I gave it a chance and was hooked. I read the fourth book, which is about 400 pages, in two days. A similar situation happened to me with the Twilight series, but instead, my best guy friend encouraged me to read it. Of course, the romance sucked me in and I enjoyed it even more than Harry Potter (don't judge until you have read both series entirely.)

Anyway, I finally received Dateable: Are You? Are They? in the mail today. In my new apartment, my mail habitually comes two days later than the expected date, so I was eagerly awaiting its arrival. Anyway, I pulled it open thinking I would read a chapter or two and put it down, like most books I read. Wrong. I really enjoyed this book. Not only is it semi-applicable to my life (it talks about preparing yourself for dating) but I almost fall in the age range of the target audience. I mean, with Harry Potter, I was probably ten years over the target audience when I read the last one.

I saw Justin Lookadoo at the state FCCLA conference in high school. At the time, I had never had a boyfriend, nor was I anywhere close to having one. But the whole idea of the "unknown" fascinated me, so I listened intently. It helps that he was a very engaging public speaker. At any rate, he pretty much told us our relationships would not last past high school, so have as much fun as we could then. At the time, it made sense and I vowed to never get serious in high school (of course, that didn't happen either. But that's another story for another blog.)

After reading just a couple of chapters, I am finding most of what the book says sounds familiar. It's always good to have a refresher, especially with a memory like mine. Even though the book is directed toward high schoolers, I can relate to much of what it is saying. You are never too old to accept advice. Plus, it is great because it is based on Christians dating Christians, which is different than the typical dating we see and hear about everyday.

I should probably wrap this one up fairly soon. I am running out of things to say and Skype is calling my name. Adios Amigos.

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