Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Praising God for the Little Things

One. Week. Left.

This semester will be officially over in one week for me. It has been the roughest 5 months of my life yet. Christmas break will be a time to get refreshed and ready for a new school year.

I have to gain a positive attitude about next semester. Right now, school isn't fun. Going to class is a struggle. Sometimes waking up isn't even easy, knowing it's just another day. I have to make school fun again, just like it has been since Kindergarten. I used to go to class because I wanted, get the good grade because I genuinely cared about the material, that sort of thing. Not anymore.

And I never thought I would feel this way about life. I am always the happy one. The level-headed girl with open ears and positive thoughts. What happened?

On a bright side, my internship is something to be happy about. I love going to work everyday, even if I have to sacrifice getting up uber early every morning. Something about knowing this is going to get me somewhere someday excites me. If only I could spread that passion to other areas of my life.

I know, with God on my side, things will be easier. I always used to think things would be easy after I got saved, but that isn't the case at all. The difference is that now I have someone to turn to who will unconditionally love me for the screw up I am.

God, thank you for every blessing You have placed in my life. Please help me see those blessings and see the good in situations. I know You put every obstacle in my life for a reason and I accept that. I know You only want the best for me.

I praise you and love you more than anything and I should do more to show it. Thank you for your unconditional love and mercy. I need that now more than ever. Amen.

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