Friday, July 23, 2010

An Ice Cream Social and Steven Seagal

I haven't felt this way in a while, so it has caused me to write again. It's funny how I seem to only write when I am in one of two moods: super happy, or upset. I definitely have more emotions than these two, I promise.

Last night I went to the ice cream social with clarity. Gosh I had a wonderful time. For one thing, I made the perfect ice cream concoction. I had two scoops of vanilla with vanilla wafers, teddy grahams, reese's bits, cookie dough, and butterfinger bits. I was in sugar Heaven for sure. :)

Then Nathan invited Eryn, Kody, and me to go to his house afterward and watch a Steven Seagal movie. He usually invites us, but we always turn it down for one reason or another. But when he invited us last night, I realized the only reason I had ever said no in the past was because Eryn never wanted to go. Why should I let that dictate my decisions? I understand that she had Kody, so I can see why she would want to spend some time with him.

Anyway, I decided I would finally take him up on his offer and hang out. It was just Kaleb, Tom, Nathan, and me. They felt bad I was the only girl, but I am so used to it. I honestly prefer to hang out with a guy than a girl any day, so that was not a problem for me.

Nathan promised me before the movie began that I had never seen Steven Seagal before, but I definitely wanted to prove him wrong. When I saw him in the movie, he was definitely right, but I never once let him believe that. I think he forgot anyway. Tee hee...

After the movie, we all talked for a bit. I love talking to Christians. Since I am exposed to so many non-Christians at school, I know what it is like in conversation. Typically, conversations will turn out sexual or just immature, but not usually with Christians. It is so wonderful.

Good things about last night:
  • Ice cream. Nuff said.
  • I made some new friends and got closer to others.
  • I finally got Nathan's number. Geez, that took forever. But I thank Eryn for every part of that. She is good for something I guess. ;)
  • I can now contribute to a Steven Seagal conversation.
  • I actually lived in the moment by doing what I wanted to do.
  • I came home after midnight for the first time this summer. I need a social life. (This was a good thing because it was a realization of how boring I really am.)
With that, I say adios.

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