Friday, June 4, 2010

A Day in the Life of a Working Girl

So now that I am able to get back into my life for a day, I haven't missed out on much in the real world. Correction: I don't care what I missed out on in the real world. The last couple of days in my life have been a blast. Let's start from the beginning.

Monday night, Tuesday, and Wednesday I was in training for Orientation Leader. After a total of 27 hours put into training across the 3 day span, I felt excited about the first session.

So I woke up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy....Oh wait, that's not where I was going with this. Darn Kesha. Anyway, I woke up on Thursday excited for my first orientation session. I spent a majority of the morning escorting new students to the residence hall they were going to stay at during the evening. I talked every family's ears off, especially the new students coming to Drake. What can I say, I love Drake University.

We broke off in sessions later in the afternoon where I was to entertain...err...inform 8 incoming business students about the upcoming school year and registration. It was more of me talking at them, but I told them to shut me up when I got too boring for them. I was never shut up, so I will take that gesture in a positive light.

The remainder of the day consisted of a college session, a delicious dinner, a couple of student life sessions, and evening activities. The student life sessions were put on by the OLs, which was a great time to bond with my fellow co-workers. The evening activities were probably more fun for the OLs than the incoming students, because I was paid to eat rise krispy treats, play three consecutive hours of Catch Phrase, and sing "Hit Me Baby One More Time" during karaoke. Oh yeah, this is definitely not a job.

So my next session begins this Sunday, and I already can't wait to get started once again. Did I mention we were all given matching sling backpacks to carry our materials in throughout the day? Yep, this is definitely something I want to do next year. :)

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