Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A Typical May Day

It has become official: I am a runner. Well, maybe not a runner, but a jogger. But let's get past the specifics. This evening, I ran what I thought was around 2 miles. Turns out, it was actually 2.27 miles nonstop. That is a great accomplishment for me. In the past, I always wondered how to find out the actual distance I ran. Eryn stumbled upon a website called that does exactly what it is called, it maps out the distance a person runs.

An hour later, I am now more tired than I can imagine. But you know what? I have gone on a 2 mile run for the past three days straight and I hope to make it a daily thing. I feel so exhilarated after I finish a run. The euphoria is amazing.

The most exciting thing I accomplished today before the run was a trip to wal-mart. Now, you may not understand what this means, so I will describe a typical wal-mart run with Eryn and me. We create a list before we leave, but around 60% of the time, the list will be left at home. This list is organized in no way other than in the order that the item comes to either of our minds.

Now, we follow this list pretty closely. We usually go from the first item to the last no matter where it is located in the store. When we get to an item, let's say laundry detergent, we must decide whether we want to try something new or go with what we had before. Many times, the option to try something new will outweigh the other option. This is when any guest shopper that came along has a test of patience. The process to decide what to try new is a long process of elimination.

Needless to say, a normal half-hour wal-mart trip does not exist in my life. All shopping trips turn into multiple hour ordeals. As I look upon these experiences, I realize the process is very unnecessary. My indecisiveness mixed with a love of new things is a terrible combination. My future husband will be a very, very patient man.

Future husband, I am sorry in advance.

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