Saturday, July 14, 2012

Half Canadian

The love of my life is in Calgary, Canada right now. No, he isn't ice fishing or whatever else Canadians typically do for fun. He is with his family visiting his mom's parents and family. 

This will be the longest time Matt and I have spent apart our entire relationship. Not only will he be gone for 10 days, but he doesn't get cell phone service, so calling and texting is sketchy. Needless to say, I have time to start blogging again. Why not, right?

I have never been to Canada, let alone anywhere else outside of the US. I feel like such a homebody sometimes. What is wrong with the US? Without going into governmental or political rants, I love the US. Even if it is all I know, I am aware that there are many worse places I could call my home. 

One day, I hope I too can go along with Matt's family to Canada, just to see all of the places he has talked about before. It also helps put a place to some of the things he has talked about before. 

Even though Matt disagrees, I call him "half Canadian" all of the time. If a person's mom is born in Canadian and his dad is born in the US, the child (Matt) is half Canadian...right? I'm pretty sure I'm right. However, his family is actually from Denmark like my family, so I'm not really sure what happened there. haha.

Well, I hope everyone is having a relaxing Saturday night. I should probably get off her and do something more productive, like reading a book or watching TV. Goodnight fellow Americans.

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