Thursday, May 17, 2012

What Does GPA Stand For?

Our official grades were posted yesterday. I got a B in a class that I felt like I didn't deserve it. The class, called Drugs and Behavior, was actually quite hard for me, though it is lower level. I am terrible at biology, so I am shocked I did as well as I did. I ended with an 89%, which stinks because it was so close to that A. And so close to a 4.0. But it's okay, I'll still get in grad school, I hope. Haha

I went over to Matt's house last night and started talking about that class with his parents. His mom said, "well if you aren't very good at biology and you still got an 89%, that's saying something. You'll get over it." First off, I am not used to such straightforward talk. I was initially offended because I worked hard for that grade. Two, it was helpful to hear that she is right. If my lowest grade this semester was an 89%, in a class that I am horrible at, that's a great semester. 

Every semester, I shoot for a 4.0 Nearly every semester, I fall short. I get disappointed in myself because I fell short of what I think is expected of me. I got through this process every semester. I am done with that. I honestly didn't look at my overall GPA until today, forgetting that overall GPA even matters anymore. 

It read: 3.83.

Not ideal. Definitely not up to Kaila's standards. But I finally put it into perspective for myself. A perfect college career is 4.0. I am at a 3.83 out of a possible 4.0. If I calculate the perecentage, that's 95.7%. Overall, I am at the top 5% of possible GPAs in a college career. That makes me feel better.

One day, none of this will matter. I tell myself that I work hard now so that one day I won't have to work so hard. Of course that won't happen. I'll be working hard toward some other goal in the future. But it's good to be optimistic, right?

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