Tonight, I sat through my first senate meeting for nearly 2 hours and listened to many open views about diversity acceptance. I really appreciate hearing these different views. Likewise, I stood up and convince our student body why they need to provide us with funds to go to SIFE Regionals. This was a great experience for all of my SIFE team members that were present.
During said meeting, I was completely oblivious to the weather outside. When we got outside, we contemplated what we needed to do to make it back on the other side of campus. Let me tell you, this was no "walk in the park" type of rain. This was a "rain so hard your kids are going to feel it" type of rain, if you get my drift. Needless to say, we ran our hearts out across campus and got completely soaked. What on Earth caused me to do this? Matt can attest to this, but the number one thing I do not enjoy is being wet with my clothes on.
I also just came to a realization that I am horrible at biology. I am taking Drugs and Behavior, which is a glorified biology class, and I am struggling to even get a B. I did horrible on my last test, which I just received the grade for less than 5 minutes ago, and I am a happy camper. So what that I am not going to graduate with a 4.0? I am not perfect and for so many years I have tried to appear that way, but failed miserably. Only Jesus can meet that expectation.
I think letting your guard down is when you can finally live life again. I am going to stop worrying about doing well in my Drugs and Behavior class and start worrying about how I can be a better Christian, sister, girlfriend, friend, and daughter. Those things will matter much more in the rest of my life than getting an A in my Drugs and Behavior class. (By the way, it is a really difficult class if you don't like to learn how chemicals work in brain).
I know this is not a new idea to anyone, but I have recently discovered it is definitely okay to let loose. I have so many things to be happy about. In the past week, I have received two major awards that I do not deserve. I found out my professors are impressed with me, though they have no idea how mediocre I really am. My mom told me she was proud of me. I have the boyfriend of my dreams. What more could I ask for?
So I am sitting here, at 12:30am waiting for Matt so we can Skype, and ignoring the fact that I have a lab at 8am tomorrow. Instead, I am going to rejoice that I can an amazing boyfriend who wants to Skype with me and a roof over my head. I can sleep some other time.