Saturday, October 29, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

There's a reason I didn't do so well in Business Law last year. I am too open-minded. I don't like things that seem like they can be interpreted, but in reality, are black and white. Take math, for instance. Things are black and white with math. Either you're right or you're wrong, no in between. Now, think of Psychology at the other end of the spectrum, where some things are black and white, like who invented what, but other things, like diagnosing schizophrenia, are left up to interpretation.

Business Law different in that it seemed like it could be interpreted because there are many ways to solve a problem, but in reality, there is only one right answer. And I was often wrong. Bummer.

I say of this to say that I realize I am easily persuaded. I feel like this doesn't make sense because I am the person that likes plans and definites. But for some reason, if you posed a convincing argument, you could convince me to drop out of Drake tomorrow and become a hairstylist instead. It's the way I am.

Long story short, I think I want to pursue a Masters in Clinical Psychology instead of a Doctorate.


  • Only 2 years, instead of 4-6.
  • Cheaper. Much, much cheaper.
  • I could have kids before turning 28. 
  • I want to be a mom more than I want to be a professional.
With that being said, I can still get my Psy.D. in the future if I so choose. I love having options.

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