Friday, July 1, 2011

Lost in Translation

On June 18, I ordered my book for my Psychological Assessment class this fall for a good price. However, because of my impatience, I usually don't take the time to read the fine print most of the time. So when I opened my book yesterday to find the cover written in Chinese, I was a little concerned. I mean, I would have to brush up on my Chinese a little bit in order to pass the class. Or, I could admit defeat and purchase another one in English.

I looked up my account on eBay to read the details of the item. Turns out, the book was shipped from China and has a Chinese cover and Table of Contents, but everything else is English. So I opened the package the rest of the way and found that it is, indeed, written in English, just with Chinese adornments. Now I really don't want to return it because now my book will be different than everyone else's. At very least, it'll be a good conversation starter.

Another experience I recently experienced with miscommunication occurred yesterday as Eryn and I were driving from Des Moines to Bolivar. As Eryn drove from Des Moines to Liberty, I pounded a diet coke, knowing I would be driving late for the second half. With caffeine, however, comes consequences for all parties involved. Let me elaborate.

I always sing in the car, especially on long drives. It keeps me entertained. But yesterday, I must have gone a little overboard. The singing was accompanied by dancing, which annoyed Eryn probably ten minutes in. According to her, I was also talking too much for her liking. I am sorry she felt that way. I just wanted her to be in a better mood, because she seemed upset the entire drive.

I found out I was the reason she was upset. Whoops. Me on caffeine is probably what many people act like when they are drunk. I never want to know how I act with that poison in my body, especially after experiencing my behavior changes from just caffeine. At least I become very happy when I get caffeinated and not violent or angry. That would not be good.

Luckily, we made it home safely and I am now enjoying being with my mom and Cheeto (her orange tabby cat.) I forget how much I miss having a kitty around until I come home. He and I fell asleep together last night and we watched tennis together this morning. He's my bud. :)

Only two more years until I can move into a place that allows animals. Then I can have my kitty cat fix once again.

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