Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bowling and a Blast from the Past

I cannot believe it is already Tuesday evening. I feel like the last couple of days have been flying by, that I can hardly keep track of what each day entails.

I bowled for the first time in six months today. That is unacceptable. I should never go that long without bowling again. Nick texted me over the weekend to see if I wanted to go bowling with him in the coming week. Of course I said yes, because it had been too long that my poor bowling ball had sat in my trunk.

We met at Merle Hay Lanes tonight just after 8:00 p.m. when all games are just $1. What a great deal! Nick brought Tyler, his roommate and Esther, another Drake student that I've never met before, but she was great to be around. Then of course, Kody and Eryn came with me, because we are inseparable it feels like.

My first game didn't go so well. In fact, it was horrible. I still had fun, but it was embarrassing how rusty I was. My second game went much better, more like how I am used to bowling. I plan to go more often this summer, especially with the great deal.

Tonight was great for more than just bowling. I had a major "thing" for Nick during the semester. I mean, he was a great guy and we were very close. I can definitely say he was my closest friend for the entire spring semester.

But when I saw him today, though he hadn't changed, he was just another guy to me. You would have never thought I had feelings for him in the past. It was such a release. The best part about this, is that my attention was more glued to Matt through text than I ever paid to Nick in person. Nick was nothing compared to Matt and I don't understand how I didn't see that. Nick is a great guy and will make some girl happy, but I definitely will not be that girl, and I am thankful for that. I am a happily preoccupied at the moment with undoubtedly the greatest guy I have ever met.

When Matt came into the picture, I had completely forgotten about Nick or any other guy I've ever talked to really. I know that's a good sign. I realize there are many things to get across, but that's the fun part of relationships. It's a blast getting to know someone inside and out, while learning more about yourself in the process. I gotta say, if time stopped right now, I would be 100% happy.

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