Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Using the "Hint" Button

While playing Mah-Jong tonight, I got stuck with maybe 30 tiles left. After searching for a pair for what seemed like several minutes, I gave up. Luckily, the makers of Mah-Jong were nice enough to offer a hint option, in case you get stuck, like I did. By simply tapping the H key on the keyboard, two matching tiles will highlight for you, telling you their exact location. It's nice when you feel you have exhausted all other resources.

Sometimes I feel like life would be so much easier with a hint option. Don't know what major(s) to declare in college, press your hint button, and a major jumps out at you, so you know exactly what the next right move is.

Don't know who you should date or not date, just tap the hint button and the right guy walks right past you, leaving the guesswork out of careless dating.

Don't know whether to stay at your current job, where you aren't challenged or doing the work you would like to be doing? But, you were so fortunate to obtain the job and know you beat many others for it, so you feel obligated to stay. Press the hint button, and it tells you where to go with your career, in an instant.

How easy would life be like that?

At times, many times, I love the idea of an instant revelation of my destiny, but I know it isn't why God placed us here on Earth. He placed us here to figure these things out for ourselves, while relying on His glory to get through the tough times. The hardest part is remembering that life wasn't meant to be easy, no matter what your beliefs are.

Heres the deal: I have a couple of decisions to make, that I feel are going unanswered at the moment. Obviously, God isn't ready for these decisions to be made just yet. So unfortunately, I have to play to my weaknesses and learn patience. Ha ha...sometimes I feel patience is a four-letter word.

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