Monday, September 13, 2010

Remembering The Face of SIFE

It's crazy how priorities can flip in an instant.

On Saturday, Mary, Kody, Eryn and I went to "The Man House" to watch the Iowa vs. Iowa State football game. Now, I'm not much into football, but I love the atmosphere. Not to mention, if there is going to be food there, count me in!

Turns out, Iowa won, which I guess was expected. I'm glad Mary wasn't afraid to come with us considering she is a major Iowa State fan.

Later that night, I went to a Drake volleyball game, then went for ice cream afterward. It was the most fun day I have had thus far at Drake. I couldn't ask for better. Then, as we were about to finish up our ice cream together, I received a message from London. She told me to check my email.

Unfortunately, the news wasn't good, though I could already sense it by the urgency in her message. David Maxwell, the Drake University President, sent out a message letting the campus know that Cliffton Murove had passed away earlier in the day. I froze.

This. Can't. Be. Happening.

Cliffton is Drake University SIFE. He started the group from the ground up, and was its first President. He was the most caring person I have probably ever met and would do just about anything for anybody, no questions asked. Cliffton was the go-to guy about everything, SIFE and non-SIFE related. What a great person overall.

He is the reason I joined the presentation team last year, the reason we were so cohesive, the reason we made it to nationals, the reason we are as close as family today. Cliffton, you will truly be missed.

I have never cried so much in one day as I did yesterday. But it was worth it in every way. Cliffton made such an impact at Drake University and he will leave a legacy here. He will always be in my heart.

I feel this may bring the SIFE team closer, though I never thought that was possible. We are all pulling together a memorial service on campus for Cliffton, but I don't know where else we could hold it but outside. Anywhere else would not be able to hold all of the lives that Cliffton has touched.

Rest in Peace Cliffton Murove. We will make you proud this year by doing what you believed was most important all along: helping others.

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