Business 003-A class designed to help us learn how to develop teamwork skills by working in teams.
Advertising Principles-The blow-off class where you can have "no wrong answer."
Sociology-The class where the teacher is so enthusiastic that you feel you may want to change your major to Sociology.
Statistics-A sorry excuse for a math class for business students who are stereotyped as math dumb.
Business Law-An awesome teacher who wants to promote a challenge to his students. He specifically said it is common for him to teach that class for several semesters without a single person receiving an A. I am going to make sure I am one of those uncommon As.
Marketing-Another awesome teacher who would rather be anywhere but teach, so doesn't expect much out of her students.
I am not saying that I prefer the easier classes, but I ended up with many of them. Which is probably going to be a good thing considering Business Law could become the death of me this semester.
Another fun fact: Eryn and I have identical schedules this semester so we were able to share every textbook. Another side-effect of our shared schedule: more attention to being a twin. Of course we are going to look alike and of course we are going to sit together in every class (I guess the second one isn't so obvious.) The typical conversation during roll call became this:
"Eryn Swain"...."here."
"Kaila Swain"...."here." [teacher looks up]
"Are you two related?"....."Yeah, we are twins."
"Really? Identical or fraternal?"..."Identical."
"So one of you dyes your hair then?"..."Yeah, I do" (this is me talking.)
Everyone else just had a name called, followed by the statement of existence. I cannot, for one second, say that I wish it had been differently. I absolutely love being a twin and I wouldn't change that for anything, including less attention. Plus, in college, that means I am suddenly a little more memorable to the professor, thus, making a lasting impression. Now I can run with that and prove to the professor that I deserve to be there.