Friday, June 25, 2010

All For God's Glory

Good golly gosh. What am I getting myself into?

I wouldn't consider myself a person who falls for guys quickly, but gosh, my track record in the past couple of months would like to think otherwise. The funny thing about this is that I rarely fall for someone who I feel like I have a "chance" with. I like the idea of a chase.

We all have those characteristics we look for and when someone falls into that category, we start to notice them differently. Eventually, you realize that person is great inside and out. That's when the crush stage begins. Wow, crush sounds like such a high school feeling.

I feel like God puts people in our lives for a reason, whether for a friendship, accountability partner, or something deeper. I always wonder what each person's role is in my life. Alternatively, I wonder what roles I currently play in other's lives and I how I can be more for every person in my life.

At clarity last night, we shared our testimonies. There are many great things about bringing Christians together, but my favorite part is listening to testimonies. Every Christian has a story to tell and each one is different. Each one has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Some stories begin early with rough patches in the middle, other stories begin later in life and are yet to hit a rough patch. I love them all.

In a future post, I should describe my testimony. Not that it is all that interesting, but it is something I think others could learn more about my relationship with Christ from. At any rate, I love being a Christian, in good days and not so good days.

So, I know God will find me a Godly man one day. It could be years from now or tomorrow, which is one thing I love about life: the unpredictability of each day. Who knows where my future husband is today? He could be one of my best friends now, or someone I have yet to meet. Gosh, I love the unknown.

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