Tuesday, May 18, 2010

39 Things I Have Learned in College

  1. Iowa has more guys named Nate per capita than any other state.
  2. 5 minutes late is considered on time.
  3. You find yourself saying “I’ve never felt this tired before” at the end of every week.
  4. I used to be the one who would laugh at people that run outside, and now have become one of them. But I can completely accept that.
  5. If you combine one person who can’t remember specifics and another who can’t remember general details, it doesn’t make up for a good memory.
  6. Cheese pizza can be justified as healthy.
  7. Earplugs are great on Thirsty Thursdays.
  8. Halo is even more pointless than I thought before going to college.
  9. The cities in Iowa are all mispronounced. Someone should rename them.
  10. Canadian accents are adorable.
  11. It’s better to be different than all the same.
  12. Iowans think Missourians marry their cousins. That’s not true; that definitely still only happens in Arkansas.
  13. Spring break is wonderful because you have an entire week off from conducting a handful of interviews, spending countless hours putting together a news story, and then get it back to see a grade that makes you feel worthless.
  14. Kids that have the little monkey backpack leashes apparently show up only when you are talking about them.
  15. Laundry doesn’t do itself.
  16. If you surround yourself with the right guys, you will be impressed with how many gentlemen there are in the world.
  17. God takes care of you. The less you control, the more He can step in and do His job.
  18. Britney Spears and The Spice Girls are not as innocent as I used to think.
  19. Naps can be dangerous if they are not properly executed.
  20. Finding a place to live is harder to do than it sounds.
  21. Never forget to move your car off Forest Avenue on the Sunday night after coming back from Thanksgiving Break. It has the possibility of getting impounded.
  22. You have never experienced a blizzard until you walk outside in -40 degree weather with 30 mile-per-hour winds and two feet of snow on the ground that is still falling.
  23. You learn more from not getting the position than you would if you were selected. It’s a humbling experience.
  24. Police think it’s funny when you apologize to them for speeding. They also still give you the ticket.
  25. A college student will go out of their way to obtain anything with the word “free” in front of it.
  26. Running at 8:30 on a Friday night is not the wisest choice if you are not coordinated. Serious injuries can result from the combination of dim lighting and clumsiness.
  27. Eating while doing homework results in sprinkles, crumbs, and other food bits lodged in a laptop’s keyboard.
  28. Spider solitaire is way more fun than doing homework. At the time, it also feels way more productive.
  29. The ultimate key to happiness is surrounding yourself with people who are just as dorky as you are.
  30. Not liking red meat is almost considered a sin.
  31. You can’t please everyone all the time.
  32. Everyone is far from perfect, so never strive for perfection, because it will never be reached.
  33. Worshiping God is much better with friends by your side.
  34. There are genuinely good people in this world.
  35. Everyone has animal-like characteristics.
  36. The weather in Iowa is cold.
  37. No matter how much you deny it, moving away from home will cause you to miss your parents.
  38. Once you find what your true passion is, run with it.
  39. Working hard all semester pays off come time for finals. All those Saturday nights doing schoolwork become suddenly worth it.


  1. This is awesome! lol I find all of these true, except number 9. It is true that the towns are mispronounced, but they don't need to be renamed. People just need to learn how to say the names! :-P lol

  2. I can attest to 19 first-hand. They truly can be.
